Tier 1 PLC Meeting, 4/12/06

We started by having each subgroup writing a list of what their needs were for their objective:

I) Each person must have a login – Mary and Tim Macintosh: Put an alias to each server on each desktop

Steps used to set up servers for students on Macintosh (north Vista):

  1. setup a folder on local server called "nvstudent"
  2. in that folder set up sub-folder for each student
  3. on each machine change login name to "nvstudent"
  4. put alias to "nvstudent" folder on each desktop

Steps for setting up server for PC (PCA)

  1. Netrix set up folder for students on Server
  2. Setup local account "PCAStudent" on each PC
  3. Log in as "PCAStudent"
  4. Map a drive from each PC to the student server folder

Potential problems: managing accounts/folders for each student as they come and go


  • do one folder for all students with no subfolders
  • do one folder for each subject or discipline

II) File Access on network

3 options

1 – put alias to each server on desktop – multistep


  • easy, we can do it now


  • need seperate alias and login for each server
  • user sees all user folders rather than their personal folder

2 – script to connect to all servers with one login – 2 step


one login for all servers

takes user directly to their personal documents folder

gives user a chance to move local files before


3 – login through active directory ahve have login script set up all server connections – 1 step

use smb: rather than afp:


what to do with large files

duplicate files

III) file access off of network


staff have to use more than one computer


  • thumb drives – need to be backed up, they can fail unexpectedly
  • external hard drives
  • use local server run by local district
  • terminal services – 100 max simultanious connections

IV) no documents on hd

script to move files to server or "lost and found" folder

V) Training

develop help sheet and post it on a web server


It is hard to get staff time scheduled for computer training – all staff meetings are pretty full of other agenda items, IT is hard to get on the agenda.

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